Teacher speaking to student

Reducing the financial burden of school fees

School fee expert shares his experience on how parents can manage the expenses of private education without straining the household budget

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House for sale

Why landlords should be thinking about portfolio diversification

Our expert examines why so many landlords are selling up in favour of portfolio diversification, which includes equities, cash, and bonds.

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Paddle boarding

The ISA turns 25: Here’s how it can help you boost your wealth

People who pay for financial advice enjoy an average uplift of £48,000 in their wealth over ten years compared to those who don't.

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Couple taking selfie in the mountains

Can I Afford an Independent Financial Adviser?

People who pay for financial advice enjoy an average uplift of £48,000 in their wealth over ten years compared to those who don't.

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Man wearing glasses looking out of window

Cash vs investing during volatile times

During volatile times, it's natural to feel a tug-of-war between the urge to move investments to cash or stay invested and ride out the storm.

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Businessman on computer

All the winners and losers from the 2024 Spring Budget

If you want to know how the 2024 Spring Budget affects you, here are all the winners and losers from the chancellor’s latest fiscal announcement.

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Spring Budget from London

Your Spring Budget update – the key news from the chancellor’s statement

The chancellor has delivered the government’s Spring Budget. Here’s a useful summary of the key measures Jeremy Hunt announced.

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Couple enjoying a yacht ride

How the Spring Budget change to Capital Gains Tax could affect you

On 6 April 2024, the government is halving the Capital Gains Tax Annual Exempt Amount. Learn more about the change and how it could affect you.

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Divorced woman

How financial planning can help with your divorce

Financial decisions can cause friction in every relationship, but untangling years of financial ties in a divorce can be extremely difficult

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Relaxing woman

How much money can I inherit without paying tax?

Depending on the value of the estate, you may need inheritance tax. Find out more, with expert advice on what to do with an inheritance windfall

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