
A 53-year-old professional earning £155,000 gross per year. Their daughter attends an independent school which requires funding. University provision was also a priority. The estimated fees totalled £180,000.

Their objectives:

1. Fund the completion of the daughter’s education
2. Reduce tax bills
3. Build an adequate pension to enable the client to retire at 60

Our recommendation:

As the client was over 50, our recommendation was to pay the next school fee by investing in a pension and taking the 25% cash lump sum immediately.

As a higher rate tax payer, this produced a saving of 67% of the fee. Future school fees would be paid in a similar manner.

Existing monthly savings plans and money allocated to pay the fees would be diverted into a private pension, attracting 40% Income Tax relief.

Additional lump sums would be added to the pension fund at strategic points to make it possible to pay future school fees out of the tax-free lump sum, also attracting 40% tax relief.

The last two years of university fees would be paid out from some of the income generated from the pension.

In total, the plan we recommended was £45,000 cheaper than the client’s current arrangements and an additional pension pot of approximately £400,000 would be created.

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School Fees Planning is provided by

Amber River SFIA

Amber River SFIA, 27 Moorbridge Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 8LT