19 March 2025
Making financial planning for women accessible
Discover how financial planning for women can be more accessible, with a focus on personal goals, family involvement, and long-term support.
29 January 2025
What are the tax implications of gifting property to your children?
Thinking about gifting a property? Learn how inheritance tax, capital gains, and stamp duty come into play, and how to reduce your tax burden.
8 January 2025
Can I give my house to my children to avoid inheritance tax?
Gifting property to children or family members during your lifetime is incredibly generous, but there are potential pitfalls you need to avoid
8 December 2024
Preparing for the Great Wealth Transfer
We take a look at intergenerational wealth planning, what it involves, and how you can help preserve the wealth within your family
19 November 2024
What the October Budget means for inheritance tax planning
Discover strategies to protect your farm, business, or land from inheritance tax following the October 2024 Budget changes to relief.
11 September 2024
5 practical ways to help older relatives manage their finances
If you’d like to better support your elderly relatives with their finances, here are 5 practical ways you can help them manage their wealth
29 July 2024
How do I protect my children’s inheritance from nursing home costs?
We explore whether you can fund the cost of care, whilst at the same time protecting your children's inheritance from nursing home costs.
26 July 2024
Gifting money to grandchildren
With high house prices, university fees, and a cost-of-living crisis, it's no surprise that more grandparents are gifting money to grandchildren.
23 July 2024
How to prepare financially for a bereavement
Despite the uncertainties, we look at the things you can do that may help to ease the impact of potential VAT on school fees
22 July 2024
How to raise the subject of inheritance with your parents
Bringing up the subject of inheritance with your parents can be difficult. Get practical tips on how to get started and what to discuss.
16 June 2024
How Inheritance Tax works for single individuals and childless couples
Inheritance tax is often associated with married couples and families, but what about singles, cohabiting couples or people who don’t have children?
13 June 2024
Inheritance tax payments reach unprecedented heights
Inheritance tax (IHT) payments reached unprecedented levels earlier this year, setting a new record for the highest ever monthly collection.
2 April 2024
Intergenerational Planning: What is it and how can it be used?
Want to make sure your money benefits your family? You'll need an intergenerational plan to ensure your money goes to those you intend.
23 February 2024
Estate planning for wealthy families
Estate planning is not just about who gets what; it's about preserving your wealth, reducing your taxes, and making sure it goes exactly where you want.
12 February 2024
Keeping your estate inheritance in the bloodline
The moment your Will is finalised, subsequent changes to your circumstances can affect your estate inheritance plans - including for your children
23 January 2024
How much money can I leave without an Inheritance Tax bill?
Without careful planning, leaving your family with an inheritance may come with a sting in the tail. But there are ways to minimise IHT.
23 October 2023
Who’s the best person to advise on Inheritance Tax?
If navigating Inheritance Tax feels like a bewildering maze, you're not alone. We take a look at where you can go for advice on inheritance tax?
15 June 2023
5 reasons why you need an Estate Plan
If you don't have an estate plan, the aftermath of your passing could come with costly and unwelcome consequences for your loved ones
5 May 2023
What should I do with an inheritance received in my 60s?
Receiving an inheritance in your 60s could affect the value of your estate, and the amount of inheritance tax due.
6 April 2023
Will my children receive their inheritance if I remarry?
With one in three marriages ending in divorce, and the majority of divorced couples remarrying, blended families have become the norm rather than the exception.
5 March 2023
What’s the difference between a will and a trust?
Wills and trusts are both important components of estate planning. It’s easy to confuse the two, but there are key differences between them
15 February 2023
Why everyone needs Lasting Powers of Attorney
Lasting Powers of Attorney protect you if you suddenly lost mental capacity and were unable to make any financial or welfare decisions for yourself
28 June 2022
Financial planning in your 60s
The financial expert you choose largely depends on your needs – but one thing that overrides everything else is finding someone you trust.
23 June 2022
Planning ahead for your later life care
We're all living longer and costly later-life care for many is becoming a reality. It's vital to start planning early to help cover the costs
9 June 2022
Gifting in your lifetime to reduce inheritance tax
As well as being there to see your family's enjoyment, gifting is also a great way to reduce the value of your estate for Inheritance Tax
8 June 2022
What happens to my pension when I die?
There are several different types of pension, each one with varying rules that apply depending on whether you die before or after your retire
31 May 2022
9 ways to reduce the inheritance tax bill for your family
There are many ways to reduce inheritance tax for your family. A good financial planner might be able to help you eliminate it completely.
27 May 2022
Setting up trusts and gifting in your lifetime
Make sure more of your wealth is on passed to your loved ones; setting up trusts and gifting can help reduce any inheritance tax due
26 May 2022
5 steps to prepare financially before your death
No one wants to think about their death, but preparing financially could spare your loved ones unnecessary distress and financial expense
1 May 2022
Why everyone should set up a Power of Attorney
As we get older, there are a few fundamental ‘financial housekeeping’ steps -o ne of the most important is setting up a Power of Attorney
26 April 2022
Why making a will matters to your family
Making a will is the first and vital step to shielding your loved ones from unnecessary additional stress and worry, should the worst happen
23 April 2022
The four key stages of financial business planning
Kerry McCaughan looks at four critical stages of family financial business planning: protection, profit, succession and inheritance
4 March 2022
How to stop family disputes over an inheritance
Family disputes over money and inheritance are on the rise, with more people in England and Wales turning to the courts to contest a will than ever before
11 January 2022
Are your children ready to take on your inheritance?
If you plan to leave a significant inheritance to your children, make sure they have the know-how to manage it sensibly?
8 December 2021
Tax-efficient ways to leave a legacy
Inheritance tax can cause chaos for families during what is already a difficult time, which is why it’s worth planning the most efficient way to leave your legacy.
5 December 2021
Trust fund baby… the pros and cons of setting up a trust for your kids
While a trust fund baby often suggests someone with a privileged background living off their rich parents, setting up a trust for children is often a sensible way to ensure your wealth is handed down responsibly.
26 November 2021
What to do with an unexpected windfall
Whatever the reason for the windfall, we believe it’s essential to explore your options when it comes to making the most of your money.
22 November 2021
How to make the most of your pension
Retirement is a time to focus more on leisurely pursuits - so how can you make the most of your pension so you can make the most of your retirement?
16 November 2021
How to manage your investment risk
Find out how to manage your investment risk by investing in different kinds of assets to neutralise the impact of poorer performing assets.
8 November 2021
A pension’s a good start – but what else makes a sound retirement plan?
Retirement means different things to different people, but we all still want it to be a fulfilling time of life. That's why a good retirement plan should be more than just a pension.
1 November 2021
Estate Planning mistakes to avoid
Planning your estate to leave more than just memories to your loved ones is a wonderful position to be in, but there are a number of mistakes to avoid.