Gifting money to grandchildren

Gifting money to grandchildren

With high house prices, university fees, and a cost-of-living crisis, it's no surprise that more grandparents are gifting money to grandchildren.

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How to raise the conversation of inheritance with your parents

How to raise the conversation of inheritance with your parents

Bringing up the subject of inheritance with your parents can be difficult. Get practical tips on how to get started and what to discuss.

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Inheritance tax for single or childless people

How Inheritance Tax works for single individuals and childless couples

Inheritance tax is often associated with married couples and families, but what about singles, cohabiting couples or people who don’t have children?

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Dog on a walk

Inheritance tax payments reach unprecedented heights

Inheritance tax (IHT) payments reached unprecedented levels earlier this year, setting a new record for the highest ever monthly collection.

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Three generation family taking a selfie

Intergenerational Planning: What is it and how can it be used?

Want to make sure your money benefits your family? You'll need an intergenerational plan to ensure your money goes to those you intend.

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Estate planning for Wealthy Families

Estate planning for wealthy families

Estate planning is not just about who gets what; it's about preserving your wealth, reducing your taxes, and making sure it goes exactly where you want.

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estate inheritance

Keeping your estate inheritance in the bloodline

The moment your Will is finalised, subsequent changes to your circumstances can affect your estate inheritance plans - including for your children

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Inheritance Tax

How much money can I leave without an Inheritance Tax bill?

Without careful planning, leaving your family with an inheritance may come with a sting in the tail. But there are ways to minimise IHT.

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Amber River

Can I give my house to my children to avoid inheritance tax?

Gifting property to children or family members during your lifetime is incredibly generous, but there are potential pitfalls you need to avoid

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advice on Inheritance Tax

Who’s the best person to advise on Inheritance Tax?

If navigating Inheritance Tax feels like a bewildering maze, you're not alone. We take a look at where you can go for advice on inheritance tax?

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