Gifting money to grandchildren

Gifting money to grandchildren

With high house prices, university fees, and a cost-of-living crisis, it's no surprise that more grandparents are gifting money to grandchildren.

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Financial Planner

End of year tax savings tips for high earners

As the end of the current tax year looms, it's an important time for high earners to maximise their tax allowances before they’re lost

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Amber River

Can I give my house to my children to avoid inheritance tax?

Gifting property to children or family members during your lifetime is incredibly generous, but there are potential pitfalls you need to avoid

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advice on Inheritance Tax

Who’s the best person to advise on Inheritance Tax?

If navigating Inheritance Tax feels like a bewildering maze, you're not alone. We take a look at where you can go for advice on inheritance tax?

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Six things to do before the end of the financial tax year

With a few weeks left before the end of the tax year, here are a few last-minute things to consider to maximise your tax allowances

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Gifting in your lifetime to reduce inheritance tax

As well as being there to see your family's enjoyment, gifting is also a great way to reduce the value of your estate for Inheritance Tax

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Setting up trusts and gifting in your lifetime

Make sure more of your wealth is on passed to your loved ones; setting up trusts and gifting can help reduce any inheritance tax due

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