22 July 2024
How to raise the subject of inheritance with your parents
Bringing up the subject of inheritance with your parents can be difficult. Get practical tips on how to get started and what to discuss.
12 February 2024
Keeping your estate inheritance in the bloodline
The moment your Will is finalised, subsequent changes to your circumstances can affect your estate inheritance plans - including for your children
23 January 2024
How much money can I inherit without paying tax?
Depending on the value of the estate, you may need inheritance tax. Find out more, with expert advice on what to do with an inheritance windfall
12 October 2023
What could you do with an inheritance in your 40s and 50s?
Having a financial safety net will give you peace of mind that your family will be able to cope, even if your lives were unexpectedly derailed
5 May 2023
What should I do with an inheritance received in my 60s?
Receiving an inheritance in your 60s could affect the value of your estate, and the amount of inheritance tax due.
6 April 2023
Will my children receive their inheritance if I remarry?
With one in three marriages ending in divorce, and the majority of divorced couples remarrying, blended families have become the norm rather than the exception.
21 February 2023
What should you do with an inheritance lump sum in your 30s?
We take a look at some of the things you should consider if you've just received an inheritance lump sum in your 30s
13 February 2023
Could paying for your child’s wedding result in an IHT bill?
While it’s traditional for parents to contribute, did you know paying for your child's wedding could result in a large inheritance tax bill
8 February 2023
What could you do with an inheritance lump sum in your 20s?
Receiving an inheritance lump sum in your 20s could give you a great start. Here are some basic steps to put you on the path to financial wellbeing
20 January 2023
I’ve inherited a lump sum, what should I do with it?
Inheriting a lump sum can feel quite overwhelming. While we can’t tell you how to spend it, we can suggest a few options worth considering
11 January 2022
Are your children ready to take on your inheritance?
If you plan to leave a significant inheritance to your children, make sure they have the know-how to manage it sensibly?