House for sale

Why landlords should be thinking about portfolio diversification

Our expert examines why so many landlords are selling up in favour of portfolio diversification, which includes equities, cash, and bonds.

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Financial planning tips to help fund school fees

If you’re planning to send your children to private school you may need to start saving to fund the school fees almost as soon as they’re born

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Understanding the risks of investing

A serious illness or disability can have a huge impact on your finances - critical illness insurance will provide much-needed financial support

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Financial planning ideas for new parents

Becoming a new parent is a natural time to reassess your financial plans and look at ways to secure the financial well-being of your family

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Managing portfolio risk

Managing risk is a core element of investing. This article explains how professionals manage risk within investment portfolios

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Why is portfolio diversification so important?

Portfolio diversification is a portfolio management strategy designed to reduce risk. We take a look at the principles behind it?

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Financial planning for new parents: Don’t forget about your future too

When you have a baby it’s important to think about your needs as well as your child's – especially when it comes to planning your future

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Investing in the ‘age of inflation’

Mike Greely explores some of the reasons behind the market turbulence, and explains why patience and portfolio positioning can help investors

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Mike Greely Chartered Financial Planner

Mike Greely: piecing together the investment puzzle

For Mike Greely of Amber River’s Colchester team, understanding the factors that drive investment returns is not just part of his day job – it’s more of a lifelong passion

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Does your child have a forgotten Child Trust Fund?

Almost 200,000 young people born from 2002 to 2020, have a Child Trust Fund containing savings of around £2,000 - and they don't even know!

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