On 24 May, Ryan, Elise and Jasmin attended Exeter based cancer support charity FORCE’s Support and Information centre for Shipman’s first “volunteering day”, as part of our ongoing relationship with them. We joined forces with their head gardener Galvin and three other volunteers to update areas of their garden.

The garden is a much-loved sanctuary for those attending the centre as patients and/or their families, and the upkeep of it relies on volunteers’ help. 

After a few rewarding (and very warm!) hours, FORCE now have a lovely new rose and lavender flower bed (with plants donated by a patient who attended the centre), shaped shrubs and bushes and a cleared area for future projects in the garden.

We’re so grateful to have had the opportunity to be part of such a meaningful charity for the day and look forward to future volunteering events with them

The Amber River Foundation

Underpinned by Amber River’s guiding purpose of ‘Enriching Lives’, the goal of our charitable foundation is to have a positive impact – on people and planet.

The Amber River Foundation

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