Enjoying life and financial freedom
What is Life Landscaping?

Savings and investments advice

Putting money aside might not feel like a priority when you’re younger, but it’s important not to leave it too long. After all, the earlier you start to save, the more you could have in the pot at the end.

It all starts with a conversation. And, when you’re ready for that chat, we have the expertise, resources and robust processes to:

  • Build a clear picture of what you want to do with your money in the short- and longer-term.
  • Understand how much you’ll need and when.
  • Understand just how much risk you’re prepared, and able, to take to in order to achieve your objectives.
  • Keep you on track.

We help you to create a portfolio of investments that suits your goals, attitude to risk and financial situation in the most tax-efficient way. We admit it’s a relatively dry subject, but to us it comes part and parcel with investing. And you don’t need to know everything about the various ‘tax wrappers’ that are available to you because we do.

Our process at a glance:

  • Establish your priorities and objectives.
  • Calculate what you earn, what you spend and what assets and liabilities you have or expect to have.
  • Calculate how much you can, or can’t, afford to lose without sacrificing the lifestyle you’ve worked hard for.
  • Discuss, given all the above, what type of investment plan(s) will give you everything you want out of life.
  • We may also use cashflow modelling to show you how your plan might be impacted by expected, or unexpected changes, now and in the future.
  • We’ll invite you to regular reviews so that we can keep track of your situation and maintain, or change, your investment strategy accordingly.

By helping you to set clear and measurable goals, and by assessing your attitude to risk and how much or little you could afford to lose, we can match the most suitable mix of investments to each specific goal in the most effective and tax-efficient way. And at each point we’ll do our best to remove the jargon our industry is renowned for, and reassure you of our commitment to the responsible care and stewardship of your money. It’s yours, not ours, after all.

Remember, the value of investments may go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount invested. Levels of income from investment may fluctuate.

Retirement planning
The importance of starting investing young

Specialist savings & investment advice areas


Saving money is one of the best financial habits you can adopt. It’s particularly important for youngsters, to help…

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Couple discussing Wealth Management

Wealth Management

An Amber River financial planner can work with you to create a wealth management strategy that reflects your short,…

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Tax-efficient investing

When you invest your money without seeking professional advice, you may find yourself facing a tax bill you hadn’t…

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Portfolio management reassurance

Portfolio Management

With the help of an Amber River financial planner, you can quickly regain greater clarity, control and direction over…

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Investment Advice

Regardless of whether your money has come about through hard work, good fortune, or inheritance, the same question…

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Tax Planning

Effective tax planning means making use of the various allowances and reliefs available (both to individuals and…

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Windfall Advice

A windfall is typically a sum of money received (normally unexpectedly) that could change someone's life.

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Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)

Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) are tax-efficient investment vehicles that come in a variety of different types

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Body shot of couple sat on couch discussing no-fault divorce

Divorce Financial Advice

Divorcing a spouse is a challenging time, fraught with emotion. It can be complicated and messy, especially where young…

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Get in touch

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Where and how we meet depends on whatever’s most convenient for you, but we have a number of locations around the UK if you’d prefer to come to us.

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Financial Planners Regions

Other services we offer

We provide a complete range of financial services with specialists in every category so that we can match you with the most suited adviser for your needs

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this is Life Landscaping®.

Amber River is a new way of thinking about and creating the life you’ve always dreamed of.


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Small, but important print

Registration Number 03776035
Registered in England and Wales

Amber River Group Limited is not authorised to give financial advice. The financial planning businesses who are part of the Amber River Group are separately authorised businesses and therefore able to give advice.

You’ll find details of the regulated status of our firms, including FCA numbers and links to the Financial Services Register on each of the location pages in the ‘Find an adviser’ section.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate National Savings or some forms of mortgage, tax planning, taxation and trust advice, offshore investments or school fees planning.

The information contained within this site is subject to the UK regulatory regime and therefore targeted primarily at UK-based consumers.

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) is an agency for arbitrating on unresolved complaints between regulated firms and their clients. Find full details of the FOS at www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk

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