Amy & Sue Moonlight & Memories Walk

Moonlight & Memories Walk

Amy Bamber and Sue Butler from our Adviser Support team donned their walking shoes in June and completed the eight mile ‘Moonlight & Memories’ walk for St Catherine’s Hospice, raising £455. The walk is 8 miles long, takes place at night and is designed to raise money for the hospice as well as allow participants the opportunity to remember loved ones they may have lost through illness.

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True Bearing Group Photo

Easter Jacobs Join & Raffle

Every Easter we hold a Jacobs Join, raffle and quiz. For those of you who haven’t heard of a Jacob’s Join, it is a meal where everyone brings a dish and shares it with each other. This annual tradition was again enjoyed by all the team, with a huge spread including pizzas, sausage rolls and lots of cake!

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