Leaving your loved ones more than just fond memories
Financial considerations for getting married
Creating your legacy

Estate and succession planning

If you’ve got kids, or step kids, perhaps a favourite nephew or niece, you might want to leave them a monetary gift to go with their memories of you. You might also like to leave money to charity. When the time comes our advisers will be there to help you plan your legacy and – if you choose – they can involve the family, so everyone knows who’s getting the diamonds when the time comes.

While some of us want to spend it while we can, there will be many others who want to pass on some of the wealth they’ve worked hard for. For these people, managing any inheritance tax liability is paramount, as is making sure the money they leave ends up with the right people at the right time.

It’s true that HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) rules when it comes to estate planning and tax are incredibly complex and can change at short notice. Luckily our advisers are here to help bring clarity and, if you want to leave money to your kids, or theirs, they can build this into your financial plan.

A large part of this is looking for tax-efficient ways for you to gift money while you’re alive and ways to leave money on your death, without reducing your standard of living or leaving your loved ones with a large, unexpected Inheritance Tax (IHT) bill.

Our independent financial advisers can help you minimise, or offset, any IHT liability, by looking at your circumstances and using their knowledge on allowances, schemes and rules to create a suitable planning strategy.

We’ll discuss a number of options with you, including:

The plan that’s right for you might include some, or all of the above, but what’s crucial is that we consider these options in line with your goals and aspirations – in life and beyond.

Poviding for your family in an uncertain world
Providing for your family in an uncertain world

Specialist advice areas

Inheritance Tax planning

IHT planning is a financial planning strategy that aims to identify and make use of those opportunities, to ensure more of your estate goes to your…

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Financial gifting

As well as being extremely gratifying, gifting money to loved ones during your lifetime can help reduce any potential Inheritance Tax (IHT) bill when you pass…

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Rather than gifting money directly, you could choose to pass money to others by holding it in trust. Under this arrangement, the beneficiary (or beneficiaries,…

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Estate planning Financial Planning advice

Estate Planning

Developing a lifelong financial plan, that enables you to live the life you want, is a rewarding and exciting experience. After all, what’s the use of working…

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Intergenerational planning

Intergenerational planning essentially means making sure your financial plan can benefit not just you, but other members of your family.

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Care Fees Planning

The possibility of needing long-term care later in life is often overlooked when planning for retirement. Yet the financial impact of funding later-life care…

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Equity Release

Speaking to a professional financial adviser can unlock your route to early retirement. Together, you can visualise what it looks like for you and work out if…

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